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  1. 1

    Virginia Vinson

    Glad to know your column is back.

  2. 2

    Kathy Bell

    Made my day needed a good laugh

  3. 3

    Vickie Aldridge

    The struggle is real when it comes to shopping for yourself. Justifying a new pair of clothing… the fear of rejection from the piece of clothing you thought looked good. A bargain and comfy pants are never a disappointment and I’m glad you have your new $2 pajama pants!

  4. 4

    Joy Dunn Dumes

    Love this girl! Welcome back friend!

  5. 5

    Kris Robinette

    Love me some June Mathews!

  6. 6

    Thomas Mann

    As long as it’s comfortable and decent who cares but you and your spouse. Good going girl!

  7. 10

    Renee Pierce

    Love some June Harper Mathews.

  8. 11

    Jefferey Garrett

    What took you so long!? Welcome back…

  9. 12

    Renee' Ferguson Jones

    I love her writing! June Harper Mathews you OWN me!!!

  10. 13

    Stacy Grubbs Clayton

    So glad June is back! Love her

  11. 14

    Phil Sims

    MAN, have I missed her humor and wisdom! Thank you for bringing June back!

  12. 15

    Scott Buttram

    You aren’t helping, Phil.

  13. 16

    June Harper Mathews

    Yes, he is. Go ahead, Phil. You were saying…?

  14. 17

    Ashley Bowdon Williams

    I’m with Phil! I’ve missed her writings! Yay!!!!!!!

  15. 18

    Betty Gilchrist Penuel

    June is a great writer and friend. Glad to have her back.

  16. 19

    Elizabeth Bell Pridgen

    I was thrilled to see Mrs. June’s writings again in the The Trussville Tribune! Always enjoy her truthful and honest- humorous take on LIFE and everyday situations!

  17. 21

    Courtney Lindsey Dollar

    I will eat fish on Fridays in honor of her return!

  18. 22

    Billy Harper

    Harper’s raise some goodlooking women

  19. 23

    Sheila Ray

    She serves the raise!

  20. 24

    Terry Schrimscher

    I should have gotten your autograph when I could

  21. 25

    Anne Edwards Miller

    She is great!! Glad she’s back

  22. 26

    Carl Martin

    I’d love to see her ride in on the donkey — I know where we can get one!

  23. 27

    June Harper Mathews

    Yep. Sorry, Terry, that ship has sailed….

  24. 28
  25. 29

    June Harper Mathews

    Does this mean you’re going to be nice to me from now on?

  26. 30

    June Harper Mathews

    Carl, Carl, Carl. Don’t you know I’m gonna have to get you back for that? When will you ever learn???

  27. 32

    Patti Pafford Hitchcock

    Gifted writer! Wasn’t I saying that to you this morning? That’s before I saw this. Congrats!

  28. 35

    Courtney Lindsey Dollar

    Yea right……….just trying to get you a raise so you could buy me lunch.

  29. 37

    June Harper Mathews

    And I love you back, Leigh Denton!

  30. 38

    Becky Gann Johnson

    You must watch Courtney. She is a very good planner! And a great cook so she should prepare lunch for you!

  31. 39

    Carl Martin

    I know, but I couldn’t resist!

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