By Crystal McGough
The Clay City Council passed a resolution tonight to award a bid for the demolition of tornado-damaged houses and properties
At the Oct. 4 council meeting, the council opened bids from 12 different companies for the demolition of 51188 Rick Drive, 5410 Balboa Circle, 5523 Spanish Trace and 5530 San Marcos Drive.
Tonight, the council determined Love Landscapes to be the lowest bidder and awarded the company the bid for 5118 Rick Drive in the amount of $4,798, and 5530 San Marcos Drive in the amount of $4,698.
The other properties have been removed from the demolition list after the owners of the properties contacted the city offering to take responsibility.
“Those are the only two that are going to be knocked down,” Councilman Kevin Small said. “All the rest of them, the owners, insurance companies or the banks have come back and said they’ll take care of them.”
The council also passed a motion to two-month contract with Mighty Green Lawn Care to maintain the weeds at the ballpark and also fertilize the park. The short-term contract will cost the city up to $2,108.
Park and Recreation Director Will Collins put out bids for the maintenance of the park. The bids were answered by four companies, in which Mighty Green Lawn Care was found to be the lowest bidder for the most amount of maintenance. The company bid $25,298 per year. The city is still awaiting other companies to submit bids.
“We’ve been going without a contract on weed control and fertilization at the park for several months now,” Councilman and Mayor Elect Charles Webster said. “(Collins) is very concerned that the weeds are going to take over before we do anything.”
Webster said that the two-month contract will give the city time to review other companies and prices.