By Gary Lloyd
Jefferson Clinic PC has reached an agreement today to continue medical services for Jefferson County at Cooper Green Mercy’s urgent and primary care center, pending approval of the Jefferson County Commission.
“Jefferson County has negotiated in good faith with Jefferson PC for sometime now,” said Jefferson County CEO Tony Petelos. “We are committed to continuous care
. The transformation of Cooper Green Mercy is moving according to plan.”
Here are some additional facts about Cooper Green Mercy:
• Since the Jan. 1, 2013 transition to an urgent and primary care center, Cooper Green
Mercy has seen more than 1,600 patients.
• Transfer of Cooper Green Mercy patients to partner hospitals has worked seamlessly with no additional cost to the patient.
• The pharmacy at Cooper Green Mercy remains open and available to patients Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
• Inpatient contracts are in the final stages of approval.
“The county is deeply committed to uninterrupted healthcare for the patients of Cooper Green Mercy during this transition,” Petelos said.
Contact Gary Lloyd at and follow him on Twitter @GaryALloyd.