By Gary Lloyd
JEFFERSON COUNTY — The Alabama Department of Transportation is accepting nominations for a community outreach group the department has formed for the Northern Beltline project.
ALDOT says on the project’s website,, that the volunteer panel of private citizens will meet regularly with ALDOT to ask questions, advise ALDOT of issues of interest, provide advice and feedback regarding plans, suggest alternatives and help ALDOT keep the community informed.
Anyone with an interest in the project who is able to attend regular committee and public meetings is eligible to serve on the panel.
Nominations will be accepted until Dec. 6. A committee of local leaders independent of ALDOT will review all nominations and select the panel, and those chosen will be contacted in the first quarter of 2014.
The estimated cost of the 52-mile corridor is $5.45 billion and will take 30 to 35 years to complete. The first segment will connect Alabama Highway 75 and Alabama Highway 79 near Pinson, with construction scheduled to begin in early 2014.
Contact Gary Lloyd at and follow him on Twitter @GaryALloyd.