By Gary Lloyd
TRUSSVILLE — The city of Trussville has released voter registration information for the Feb. 25 special election for residents to decide for or against a seven-millage property tax increase to fund two new elementary schools.
Any person 18 years of age who has lived in Trussville for 90 days may register to vote. Any voter who has moved from outside the state or who has moved from another Alabama county must re-register, including Trussville voters who have moved between Jefferson and St. Clair counties within the city.
Any voter who has moved to a different address in the city in the same county should change their address. The last day for a voter registration to be received by the Board of Registrars prior to the Feb. 25 election is Feb. 14.
Polls will be open Feb. 25 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Trussville City Hall and First Baptist Church of Trussville.
Voter registration and change of address forms are available at Trussville City Hall, Trussville Public Library, county courthouses and state public assistant offices. Forms may also be downloaded at Forms can only be printed and filled out to be mailed in.
Absentee ballot applications are available and may be cast in person or by mail beginning Jan. 21. If voting by mail, this is a two-step process requiring sending and returning a ballot application and sending and returning the actual ballot, thus time for four trips through the mail should be allowed. The last day to apply for a regular absentee ballot is Feb. 20. The last day to receive the completed ballot is Feb. 24.
Absentee balloting is not early voting. The voter must sign an affidavit that he or she will be unable to attend the polls due to one of the six approved reasons: they will be out of the county on election day, they have a physical illness or infirmity that prevents attendance at the polls, they work a shift of 10 or more hours that conflicts with the polling hours, they are a student at an educational institution outside of the county, they are a member or a spouse or dependent of a member of the Armed Forces, or they have been appointed as an election officer at a polling place that is not their regular polling place.
For more information about voter registration, contact Trussville City Hall at 205-655-7478.
Contact Gary Lloyd at and follow him on Twitter @GaryALloyd.