By Gary Lloyd
TRUSSVILLE — The Trussville City Board of Education is asking for input on naming the two new community elementary schools.
At Monday’s meeting, board members briefly discussed the process for naming the schools. Trussville City Schools Superintendent Pattie Neill said the “starting point” for the names of the two schools are Cahaba Elementary School and Magnolia Elementary School.
Those wishing to provide input on the naming should email
At the Feb. 23 board meeting, board members will discuss the suggestions and put official names on the table for consideration.
At the March 16 meeting, the board of education will likely vote on the official names of the two schools.
The schools, one in the Cahaba Project and the other near Magnolia Place, are expected to open for the 2016-2017 school year.
Contact Gary Lloyd at and follow him on Twitter @GaryALloyd.