From Trussville Tribune staff reports
BIRMINGHAM —Citizens Action Partnership (CAP), a group that provides services and assistance in downtown Birmingham is warning that the “knockout game” may have made it to the city.
“Recently one evening, about 8:45 p.m., there was an incident downtown that police believe may have been an instance of what is called a ‘knockout game,'” read a statement on the CAP website. “A man stepped out to smoke a cigarette and a small dark colored car of teenagers (black males) stopped and beat him while another filmed the incident. Police have a video and are working on identifying the suspects, but if you are out at night please be aware of this and report anything suspicious.”
CAP officials said, to their knowledge this is the first time something like this has happened downtown, but it has been noted in other parts of the country for a couple of years.
One Comment
James Clark
Don’t go downtown, come to Trussville.