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  1. 1

    Melanie Thomas

    Why would a 4th grader even have a social media account?

  2. 2

    Becky Bryant Bishop

    The post they are talking about is one that informed parents that this had happened. It wasn’t the kid posting 🙂

  3. 3

    Becky Bryant Bishop

    The post they are talking about is one that informed parents that this had happened. It wasn’t the kid posting 🙂

  4. 4

    Barbara Williams Lemley-Wheeler

    Melanie this is not unusual. It should be more concern than a list of class members on a list. This is the most dangerous thing a child can let a child be a participate . So many children meet these psycho people through social media. Please don’t let your children take part in these accounts. They just say they are 18.

  5. 6

    Jennifer Chinnis Lawley

    Omg! It wasn’t on social media!!! Do you people even read!?

  6. 7

    Brittney Dunn

    I don’t know many details about this situation but it sounds a little blown out of proportion!

  7. 8

    Gretchen Larsson Bichler

    If a child was removed and sent to a detention center, obviously there was reason for concern. I think the school owes it to Parents to let them know what is going on. Sounds to me like Trussville City Schools tried to hide the incident. As a parent to a 4th grader in the classroom next door, I feel we deserve to know.

  8. 9

    Adina Pittman Trimm

    It’s sad we have to send little 9 yr Olds to Juvenile Court and lock up for getting mad and writing a list of names because the child was mad….ppl need to get a grip on themselves….kids get mad, they sometimes do these things because they have no other way to express their emotions..they are kids…parents should stop treating every single incident like the child is a potential school shooter…it’s stupid….

  9. 10

    Donna Payne Harris

    what about the bullies that bully her? need 2 do something with them are she will do something 2 make them stop . TRUSSVILLE got a big bully problem in all school

  10. 11

    Philip Sharpe

    To not believe things are blown out of proportion in schools, is simple dishonest to me. We came to schools with gun racks in windows and today 6yr old kids are being suspended for chewing pop tarts into the shape of guns

  11. 12

    Brett Taylor

    You need to post better stories.

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