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  1. 1

    Suzanne Williams Crosby

    Not sure I’d call them “children”.

  2. 2

    Drake Odeneal

    They’re NOT children! They’re teenage delinquents !

  3. 3

    Becky Flippin Holcombe

    Because of them, families lost loved ones.

  4. 4

    Cecilia Kirk

    Will they also be charged with murder?

  5. 5

    Alice Patterson Irwin

    They should also be charged with murder for the lives that were lost

  6. 6

    Janet Marino

    they should be held responsible for the damage and the deaths

  7. 7

    Sylvia Sullivan Lmt Nmt

    People used to be married, have kids and support themselves at 15 or 16. Being a teenager was never an excuse for had behavior until the 60s. Just like a 13 or 14 year old girl knows it’s wrong to canoodle with a teacher or grow man n today’s world, boys know the hell what they’re doing too. Unless they’re a sociopath they know what right and wrong….

  8. 8

    Jane Scoggins

    Not sure I would call them children…….

  9. 10

    Tjo Johnson

    Hope they charge them with murder. They had no idea what they were setting off when they did this. They should have to face each family that lost a loved one. Not to mention the costs to other homeowners and businesses.

  10. 11

    Tjo Johnson

    Hope they charge them with murder. They had no idea what they were setting off when they did this. They should have to face each family that lost a loved one. Not to mention the costs to other homeowners and businesses.

  11. 12

    Jason Archer

    I would seek the death penalty. No exceptions. Buildings will be rebuilt. Trees will grow back. Wildlife will recoup. There is no bringing back those human lives.

  12. 13

    Jason Archer

    I would seek the death penalty. No exceptions. Buildings will be rebuilt. Trees will grow back. Wildlife will recoup. There is no bringing back those human lives.

  13. 14

    Cindy Sams Deerman

    They need to walk every inch that was burned, they need to see the pain they have caused, to face the families and business owners. Then they should have to help with the clean up and replanting, 10, 12, 14 hours a day, until they drop.

  14. 15

    Marie Leech

    They’re not children. They’re teenagers.

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