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  1. 2

    Matthew Norman

    How are they proposing local taxes? Just curious how it works.

  2. 3

    Scott Buttram

    Matthew, are you asking how local taxes would be collected from food trucks?

  3. 4

    Chuck Biddinger

    Matthew, it would be 10% just like brick and mortar restaurants pay.

  4. 5

    Matthew Norman

    Just curious. people I tried to talk me into one over the years

  5. 6

    Kathy Sills

    And quit deliverying papers with coupons to us..we dont want them

  6. 7

    Scott Buttram

    I haven’t seen the proposal, but I assume it would work like any other vendor or peddler license. They would collect sales tax sales and turn in their sales report along with the taxes to city hall or pay the state.

  7. 8

    Jamie Lankford Chappell

    Food trucks! Food trucks! Food trucks!!

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