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  1. 3

    Kerry Bishop

    Way to take that out of context!

  2. 5

    Charles Moore

    Looks like Slug Roy Moore will be the Republican nominee for U S Senator from Alabama. Doug Jones will get at least one vote

  3. 6

    Lauren Danielle Smith

    Guess who just decided to vote democrat.

  4. 7

    Bryan Howell

    Roy Moore is the weakest candidate to take on Doug Jones.

  5. 11

    Lay Dean James

    Anybody that likes him does not believe in our constitution he is a religious coat tail riding arrogant asshole and I hope someone on his family turns out to be gay so people of Alabama can see this hipacrit for what he is

  6. 12

    Cathy Bean

    Sorry Mr President I voted Team Trump…

  7. 13

    Briana Moore

    Guess I can mark voting Democrat off my bucket list soon.

  8. 15

    Pam Conry

    Were you trying to spell hypocrite?

  9. 16
  10. 17

    Laura Willamson Malchus

    This is disgusting! I will be voting for Doug !

  11. 19

    Jennifer Poole

    Well… going Dem for now!!!

  12. 20

    David Nichols

    well if he beats Doug Jones, I wonder if he will behave himself long enough to finish out the term he is filling. YOU KNOW he will be ousted from this position too.

  13. 21

    Annette Stansell

    Judge Roy Moore for U.S. Senate is Pro-Life. The democrat party platform supports slaughter of the unborn & late term babies. Candidates receive political monies/support & are obligated to support their party’s platform.

  14. 22

    David Garrard

    Roy Moore has no respect for separation of church and state. It was intended to be a wall of separation. What a disgrace

  15. 23

    David Garrard

    By slaughter, you mean a woman’s right to choose? The great thing is, u can choose to not have an abortion. See how that works?

  16. 24

    Bradley Clark

    Doug Jones! No “good ol boy”dark cloud over his head!

  17. 25

    Lauren Danielle Smith

    This is exactly my problem with him. His job was to uphold the constitution and the laws of this country. He was removed from office TWICE because he refused to enforce the laws, instead forcing his own religious principles on others. Guess what? Not all of the people in Alabama are Christian. I know that’s shocking. And they have rights.

    The man can’t obey the law, so you want to send him to Washington to be in charge of making the laws??

    I AM a Christian but you don’t win a single heart for Jesus by force. You might get compliance with principles but you’ll never get a changed heart that way. Surely people know this, right?

  18. 26

    Bradley Clark

    Awesome! Spread the word!

  19. 28

    Scott White

    Before you down grade someone go back to elementary school

  20. 30

    Cynthia Lowery Layton

    He’s an entitled white man and an embarrassment for Alabama! He’s horrible and homophobic! Criminal!

  21. 31

    Scott White

    Guess what. No such thing. Go back to school and learn..

  22. 32

    Cynthia Lowery Layton

    He’s disgusting! We become the laughingstock of the United States again!

  23. 33

    Bradley Clark

    I think we already know who’s gay in his family! Now a member of the Village People!

  24. 34

    Bradley Clark

    Blah blah blaaaa! We’ve heard this before! If that’s the only problem you think Alabama and the country have, you need to get out of the house more!

  25. 36

    Lauren Danielle Smith

    There will be no state sponsored religion. First Amendment.

    I have a minor in American history. I’ll go back and finish that bachelors in it, after I’m done with my nurse practitioner.


  26. 38

    David Garrard

    Hmm interesting. Obviously Scott White isn’t familiar with Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Baptist in 1801, in which he made it clear separation of church and state was intended to be a WALL of separation. But it doesn’t fit your narrative, so why would u acknowledge reality.

  27. 40

    Scott White

    David Garrard I am very well aware of it. A letter. No part of the constitution. So go back to school

  28. 41

    Charles Moore

    Bradley Clark what are you getting with Slug Roy

  29. 42

    Cynthia Lowery Layton

    May your kindness return to you in three. Blessed be.

  30. 43

    Robert Davidson

    While I’m no fan of either candidate, the one thing Moore is dead right on is the ridiculousness of building a border wall. That’s a money pit of epic proportions.

  31. 45

    Bradley Clark

    Charles Moore
    I’m not sure what you mean. I voted for Jones in the primary! Slug Roy doesn’t have a good ol boy dark cloud over him! It’s more like a hurricane!

  32. 46

    David Garrard

    There isn’t any aspect of American history that u want to debate me in. I can guarantee that.

  33. 47

    David Garrard

    By defying an amendment to it? What, because YOU don’t agree with it? Oh I see. Let me guess. You think the supreme Court had no authority to make such a ruling. Interesting. That’s the same argument narrow minded people like you used against interracial marriage in 1967

  34. 48

    David Garrard

    He instructed counties to stop issuing marriage licenses to gays and lesbians because of his religious views. You can’t force people to live by morals that they don’t share. No matter how much that pisses you off.

  35. 49

    Lauren Danielle Smith

    Oh oh and, you also don’t have to marry someone of the same sex either. Totally optional! But it sure is convenient for those folks who happen to be gay.

    You cannot force people to practice your religion just because you do. You just can’t. That isn’t how this works.

  36. 50

    Mitzi Glidewell-Russell

    Lauren Danielle Smith the Bible says (Rev. 3:16) you are for me or against me if you are luke warm I will spew you out of my mouth. If you are a Christian you will understand that scripture. Roy Moore stood up for what God wants us to stand up for, he risk his career and everything else to stand up for God no matter what the consequences were, he stood firm, so in the end times will you stand up for God or will you go oh no the law was against that? I am For What God Says not what the law says not what man says but What God Says!!!!!

  37. 51

    Lauren Danielle Smith

    I got news for you.
    Not every person in this country is a Christian. I understand that I practice my religion in my home with my family. I don’t force others to practice it. Because that isn’t how this country was founded to work.

    So, beat your chest about it now but when the men in charge are Muslim and force you to obey the laws of their religion I bet you won’t feel the same way.

  38. 52

    Scott White

    David Garrard really let’s go… where in the constitution is Separation of Church and State..

  39. 53

    Mitzi Glidewell-Russell

    No you are wrong and I can’t see how you can call yourself a Christian if you cannot stand up for God I will stand up for God even if it means my death he is my redeemer my healer he is the Lord of Lords King of Kings and all of the Earth I will stand for God and all that is good and all that is right and just in his eyes

  40. 54

    Christopher Pridmore

    This is proof that DC can’t buy our elections here in Alabama…
    Mitch McConnell your money is no good here!!!

  41. 56

    Dana McCaslin Thorn

    Yay!! Thank you, Alabama voters!! Finally we have a man of integrity and principles!!

  42. 57

    Mitzi Glidewell-Russell

    You all also want to talk about separation between church and state, would you go to court and you have to testify on the stand do you not put one hand on the Bible and say I swear to tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth so help me God?

  43. 58

    Amy Richardson Langner

    A LOSE LOSE Situation for our AWESOME State~

  44. 59

    Joshua Dykes

    Glad that congress will have someone with Christian principles.

  45. 60

    Diana Katrina Ingram

    He reminds me of George Wallace… he was friends with Bentley.. what is wrong with this state!!!

  46. 61

    Jerrod Butler

    Downgrade is one word… you learn that in elementary school too.

  47. 62

    Charles Moore

    Bradley Clark my mistake I misunderstood

  48. 63

    Roy Busler

    big Luthers loss says a lot, ppl recognize a crook when they see one, the libs will now begin to pick RM apart, I hope Hillary & Obama come campaign for Jones lol!

  49. 64

    Stanley A. Vining Jr.

    Lol they are all crooks. One way or another someone is paying them to do something for them and against others.

  50. 65

    Kevin Small

    Somewhere an ACLU lawyer wishes they would have left Roy Moore alone in Etewah County and he’d still be a Gadsden Judge nobody had ever heard of.
    ACLU, Roy Moore is your fault. You made him.

  51. 66

    David Dykes

    Yeah,you have a very minor in American history.You sure its not American studies?I wouldnt throw out LPN as an accomplishment either,a glorified EMT is all that is.Not a Christian either if you are for abortion or gay marriage.Migjt want to read the bible in between your Tech school courses

  52. 67

    Patrick Jonathan

    If you voted for this crook you are more unpatriotic and gave a bigger F-U to our constitution than Kaepernick ever did.

  53. 68

    Joe Adamson

    It shouldn’t have any religious principles. Separation of church and state

  54. 69

    David Garrard

    Again. You have every right to religious beliefs. However, you have no right to push your beliefs on others. If you don’t believe in gay marriage, don’t be in one. It’s simple. People like Roy Moore are the reason Alabama is so often the laughing stock of the nation.

  55. 70

    Joshua Dykes

    Without Christian principles, morals in America decline. Why do you think killing an unborn child is now legal. It used to be murder

  56. 71

    Doyle Cherry

    What are you not going to fuss about James Lay

  57. 74
  58. 75

    Steven W. Phillips

    Hopefully, he’ll end up like him

  59. 76

    Vernon A Clark

    Please explain why you think Roy Moore is a crook? If you read the NFL rule book it says all football players shall stand at attention with there helmet in the left hand and right hand over their hart and face toward the flag while the National Anthem is played if you fail to follow this rule you will be suspended or let go from the team. What Roy Moore did is follow the Constitution and the United States Laws Patrick Jonathan you need to go back to school and learn how laws are made in this country The U.S. supreme court can not make any new Law they must follow the Laws that are already on the books only the U.S. Congress can make new Laws then pass the bill the U.S. Senate to also pass and the to the President to sign or veto so how is it that Roy Moore Knows more about the Constitution and the Laws that you do ?

  60. 77

    Patrick Jonathan

    Vernon A Clark is that why he’s been thrown out multiple times?

  61. 78

    Vernon A Clark

    Joe Adamson this country was built on Christian principles that is why this is a nation under God which is stated in the Pledge of Allegiance

  62. 79

    Vernon A Clark

    He did follow the Constitution and the Laws when the U.S. supreme court ruled on same sex marriage they over reached there power which is illegal. Then federal court and supreme court can only make opinions not make new Laws. So Roy Moore was right in all aspects of the Constitution and the Laws

  63. 80

    Vernon A Clark

    Lauren Danielle He did follow the Constitution and the Laws when the U.S. supreme court ruled on same sex marriage they over reached there power which is illegal. Then federal court and supreme court can only make opinions not make new Laws. So Roy Moore was right in all aspects of the Constitution and the Laws

  64. 81

    Cynthia Lowery Layton

    He was removed from the bench twice. He’s a homophobic,criminal and entitled white man. He’s an embarrassment to our state. He makes us look uneducated and racist again.

  65. 82

    Vernon A Clark

    David Garrard if you read your history on the interracial marriage ruling it went through congress which passed the law and for you information the same sex marriage ruling did not go through congress which make the same sex marriage ruling null and void only congress change the laws so Roy Moore did follow the laws and the Constitution it is the Liberal people wants to pick and choose what part of the Laws and the Constitution and not all.

  66. 83

    Lay Dean James

    So you like that hypocrite Doyle?

  67. 84

    Joe Adamson

    Vernon A Clark god meaning something grader Christians are not the only religion that have a god

  68. 85

    Tjo Johnson

    Crossing over to the Jones camp. Will not vote for this little plastic cowboy from Toy Story.

  69. 86

    Jennifer A Bryant

    What I see is a lack of ethics, especially on Roy Moore’s part as well. Yes, religion and politics should be separate, but in the process a person should be ethical about it. Ethics is the keyword. Just saying. If my comment is liked, great, if my comment isn’t like, then please keep right on moving, no further comments will be needed as I refuse to sink to someone’s level.

  70. 87

    Ronnie Hill

    I won’t vote for Moore. He’s an egotist that promotes himself as a modern day Moses…..

  71. 88

    Elise Bodenheimer

    Vote for the person you think will be the best for Alabama and the USA. Name calling will not get people to vote for the person you support. Do not underestimate Roy Moore. Check out his web page. His supporters will go out and vote. Low voter turnout will work in his favor, just as it did in the primary and the runoff.

  72. 89

    Rick Bradshaw

    That wall can be built for a fraction of what we spend on illegal immigrants each year.

  73. 90

    Doyle Cherry

    Just aggravating you say something good some time what about Earhaurt 88 Danica 10 or the great NFL

  74. 92

    Michelle Bate

    Since he is so Pro Life what is his platform for more adoption? Or free birth control?

  75. 93

    Robert Davidson

    I not sure that’s really factual. A wall is much more than a physical construct. It’s going to require an annual investment in both maintenance and manning to sustain the desired effect. To leverage my Ranger training, any obstacle that is not covered by observation and fire can be bypassed and/or reduced at will. If you want to tackle the real issue specific to our southern border, than you have to recognize that Americans employers want cheap labor and will break the law to make money. Make the pain great enough on them, and they won’t hire illegals. What we really need is a guest worker program that allows the alien to benifit from from their labors. All the freebies are not provided to any alien ever. They are not and never will be citizens, nor will any of their children born on US soil. A little Draconian, yes, but ultimately fair and it solves several problems without us taking on the burden of building and maintaining a wall. Now, if we start see hordes of mindless zombies, I’m right there with you.

  76. 94

    Dana McCaslin Thorn

    Yeah, thank you, ACLU!!! And Congrats, Mr. Moore!!

  77. 95

    Annette Stansell

    That’s a question you should write or call to ask Judge Moore. Personally, I believe women should buy their own or keep their legs together. Why should a Christian or a taxpayer pay for something a woman choose to do or for the sins of abortions. My opinion only.

  78. 96

    Kelli Penque

    Welcome to the other side 😋

  79. 97

    Kelli Penque

    Welcome to the other side 😋

  80. 98

    Kelli Penque

    This way of thinking is severely outdated and we need to hit issues straight on than living in a fantasy world that “women” (because that’s the only sex you think is the problem) should not have sex. We should keep our legs closed, it’s all of our faults– not the males. They shouldn’t have to contribute at all to birth control and adoption agencies, right? Because women are the only issue here?

  81. 99

    Annette Stansell

    If you want the men you have sex with to share the cost of your birth control pills that’s a private conversation & agreement between the two of you. In my opinion birth control, viagra & sex changes should never be the responsibility of working taxpayers. If a woman & her sex partners can’t afford birth control pills then they can’t afford a child. . If taxpayers are required to participate in your sex life then taxpayers may require a hysterectomy, vasectomy, sterilization or castration because those are more preventive than pills. Do women really want the taxpayers to be involved in your sex lif e?

  82. 100

    Johnny Ellard

    I see satan is alive and well in these comments…throw away anything that has God on it…He is who Blessed this country with growth and prosperity…seperate yourselves from God and He will seperate Himself from you!!! I see each day this is a lost country COME LORD JESUS!!!

  83. 101

    Terry Reynolds

    Cynthia Lowery Layton, we ALL know what color he is! Stop it.

  84. 102

    Mark Parmley

    Scott Dawson for Governor!

  85. 103

    Cynthia Lowery Layton

    I have 35 years in the military that gives the right to say what any damn thing I want to say!

  86. 104

    Kevin Lancaster

    As a guy that lives 5 miles from the border…we don’t need a wall anymore than we need a net along the gulf coast

  87. 105

    Lou Ann Tinnes

    putting that wall up is like putting a fence in the back of your yard and not on the sides

  88. 106

    Angela Renee

    Cynthia Lowery Layton yes, a foreign concept to some. LOL!

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