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  1. 1

    Samantha Youngblood

    Tiffany M Wells you see this

  2. 2

    Melanie Rozelle

    Pervert! Wth is wrong with these Damn teachers? …. This is becoming a huge problem.

  3. 4

    Jules Minton

    Shelley Salter Jeremiah Minton Britney Ogles Minton

  4. 7

    Chris Clark

    Odd that when it’s a female teacher everyone scoffs at the idea of there even being a victim. I don’t believe there should be any sexual contact between students and teachers just pointing out the obvious. Sure have seen a lot of this lately.

  5. 8

    Lauren Davis Franklin

    These teenagers need to be held accountable as well… They know better

  6. 9

    Scott Landers

    My girlfriend just said “Where were all these teachers when she was in high school?”

  7. 10

    Scott Landers

    My girlfriend just said “Where were all these teachers when she was in high school?”

  8. 11

    Richard Stiles

    Yes! Especially after letting it go on for a couple of months before coming forward.. Kinda makes me wonder if he made her mad about something and that’s why she decided to come forward now.

  9. 12

    Richard Stiles

    Yes! Especially after letting it go on for a couple of months before coming forward.. Kinda makes me wonder if he made her mad about something and that’s why she decided to come forward now.

  10. 13

    Scott Landers

    It’s an even bigger problem with the perverted women. I would think it will slow down after we start putting them in jail like we do the men.

  11. 14

    Scott Landers

    It’s an even bigger problem with the perverted women. I would think it will slow down after we start putting them in jail like we do the men.

  12. 15

    Lynne Songer Keenum

    They were there. We just didn’t have social media pointing it out. I had 2 male teachers who married students they’d been dating.

  13. 16

    Lynne Songer Keenum

    They were there. We just didn’t have social media pointing it out. I had 2 male teachers who married students they’d been dating.

  14. 25

    Sheliah Mckinney-Goff

    Oh yes, Dominic made sure I knew all about it

  15. 26

    Sheliah Mckinney-Goff

    Oh yes, Dominic made sure I knew all about it

  16. 27

    Nicholas Lemonds

    Please remember that for every deviant teacher, there are hundreds of teachers that do the right thing. Please don’t include us in “these damn teachers “.

  17. 28

    Nicholas Lemonds

    Please remember that for every deviant teacher, there are hundreds of teachers that do the right thing. Please don’t include us in “these damn teachers “.

  18. 29

    Jacque Brand Waite

    This is disgusting and disturbing on so many levels.

  19. 30

    Jacque Brand Waite

    This is disgusting and disturbing on so many levels.

  20. 31

    Melanie Rozelle

    Nicholas Lemonds I agree. I have a lot of respect for teachers, my was a high school teacher. But there has just been so much of this lately.

  21. 32

    Nicholas Lemonds

    Melanie Rozelle i know. As a male teacher, I have to be so careful. If a female student is in my room alone, i have to make sure the door is open, etc. I get frustrated because, to be honest, it seems like more young female teacher have the bigger problem. It’s all very sad.

  22. 33

    Melanie Rozelle

    It is very sad. And I know most kids are pretty good too, but some can be so wild. Not enough parents involved and with so many single parent homes I know it takes a toll on the kids and some make bad choices. Thanks for what you do!

  23. 35

    Scott Landers

    Lynne Songer Keenum Oh I know. That is thick sarcasm. Believe the women were too and not just the teachers.

  24. 36

    Cheryl Spaulding McLelland

    How do these freaks get in the school system?

  25. 38

    Lauren Davis Franklin

    Richard Stiles Yep! She got vindictive probably when he tried to end things or realized he messed up. Teenage girls are easily manipulated, yes, but also incredibly manipulative themselves.

  26. 39

    Leigh Robertson Clements

    The kids are in high school they should no better.

  27. 40

    Tiffany Herring

    I mean where are they finding these teachers

  28. 41

    Misty Swann Glissman

    Wait, what!!??? Are you crazy? Students are CHILDREN!! That’s why they are still in school learning. I don’t care if this girl was a senior, she is still a CHILD in the care/custody/control of an ADULT teacher! Shame on you for trying to blame a child!

  29. 42

    Lauren Davis Franklin

    Misty Swann Glissman Well… Unfortunately these “children” don’t act like nor have the mentality of a child. They are so eager to grow up and have sex. I’m not naive.

  30. 43

    Misty Swann Glissman

    Lauren Davis Franklin yes, I understand that. But that’s where the teacher, as an adult, has to be an ADULT!

  31. 44

    Vickie Aldridge

    I don’t think they go out to be teachers and seek this.. if he struggled with sexual stuff before this was a temptation he was not going to win.

  32. 45

    Lauren Davis Franklin

    Misty Swann Glissman in a perfect world, yes. He is wrong, but the teenager who consented to the relationship is just as responsible, and should be held accountable. You can’t just get mad and decide to turn someone in because you know they will get into trouble… I’m not sure if that is even this kind of situation, however, the student is old enough to know right from wrong.

  33. 46

    Lauren Davis Franklin

    Misty Swann Glissman Now, had the student been preyed upon by the teacher, and manipulated into a relationship that’s a whole other situation…. The point myself and others are making is that this is becoming so common place and students are falling into this horrible situations which are consensual.

  34. 47

    Cheryl Spaulding McLelland

    If he feels tempted then be adult enough to take his self out of the situation. They are students, adolescent children. The adult should do the right thing.

  35. 48

    Misty Swann Glissman

    Lauren Davis Franklin – I’m willing to bet that someday when you have a teenage daughter, you will change your mind. I’ve raised two and can tell you that even though they are old enough to have sexual hormones, they aren’t mature enough to say no to a teacher that they view as someone they can trust. With all due respect, you look young and I think you still have a lot more to learn. I’m only a couple of years from being 50 years old and I promise you that I learned a lot and changed a lot of my opinions after living a little.

  36. 49

    Lauren Davis Franklin

    Misty Swann Glissman I am young-ish, however, I’m not naive… And can promise you there are plenty of junior, senior girls who do far more than their parents will ever know. I’ll leave it to that. Goodnight

  37. 50

    Misty Swann Glissman

    Lauren Davis Franklin I agree. But when it’s your daughter you will look at it differently, I promise. Goodnight.

  38. 52

    Sondra Martin

    Lauren Davis Franklin in the state of Alabama, she was legally unable to give consent

  39. 53

    Lauren Davis Franklin

    Sondra Martin “legally” yes.

  40. 55

    Samantha Ballard Tingle

    And yet I can’t get a job as a female history teacher, while these sickos get jobs galore.

  41. 57

    Pat Bush

    The teacher is an ADULT, HE should know better and have some self control😡

  42. 58

    Khalia Kennedy

    The amount of victim-blaming on this post is disgusting. Like Misty Swann Glissman said, If it was your daughter , you would not be saying all this crap. The victim is a child, he is an adult.

  43. 59

    Lauren Davis Franklin

    Khalia Kennedy 🤷🏻‍♀️ based on the amount of likes I’m apparently not the only one who thinks so..

  44. 60

    Tammy Pruett

    Yes it is Diane Cochran Tatum. How many of these stories have we heard lately? Too many!

  45. 61

    Diane Cochran Tatum

    I so enjoy your posts ty for sharing your thoughts #llovethewayyouwrite

  46. 62

    Tammy Pruett

    Thank you, you are too sweet!

  47. 63

    Lisa Gabert Townsend

    Pretty sure this happened when we were in school. Girls flirting with cute teachers/coaches and they took them up on it.

  48. 65

    Lisa Gabert Townsend

    Pretty sure it happened with female coaches too.

  49. 66

    Stephen Smith

    Age is exactly what makes you older people even more oblivious to what kids are doing now a days…

  50. 67

    Lauren Davis Franklin

    Exactly! Saw it all the time.

  51. 68

    Brandon Johnson

    This is what happens when you place the wrong people in the wrong positions but leadership never has to answer.

  52. 69

    Jana Lile

    Yes it did! It wasn’t considered perverted back then either.

  53. 70

    Lillian Stevens Young

    Misty Swann Glissman seriously ! What is wrong with these people ? Physically mature and mentally/emotionally mature are two separate issues. Is the 17 year old girl who is raped by her father or stepfather also to be partially blamed ? Absolutely not !Wake up , people.

  54. 71

    Lauren Davis Franklin

    Lillian Stevens Young that’s a completely different story. And yes, many girls do come on to their teachers, and start these things. Sorry to burst your bubble. The world is messed up and these “Kids” don’t have any morals.

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