By Nathan Prewett
MOODY – At a regular meeting at Moody City Hall on Monday, Jan. 11, the city council authorized payment for an extensive sewer project and announced the location for a COVID-19 vaccination clinic.
The council heard from city attorney James Hill regarding an ongoing $700,000 sewer project being managed by Gusc to replace the main line through the city.
Lee said that the project is “half done” with an estimated completion date of three weeks from the date of the meeting.
“It’s a change from an eight-inch line to a twelve-inch line,” he said. “And it runs from the crossroads to ADESA. It’s the main line that supplies our plant and so it was a lot of infiltration in the line and we were using a lot of our capacity of water and so that’s why we decided to replace it.”
The council considered a resolution to ratify bidding and entrance to a supplemental contract to bypass areas with concrete encasing in order to save money as the line is replaced. This resolution was approved by the council before hearing about a change order by Gusc.
Hill spoke of the project being near natural gas lines that prompted a request to authorize a change order to allow Gusc to excavate and ensure safe installation of the sewer lines not to exceed $25,000. The request was approved.
Later in the meeting the council agreed to work with the Alabama Department of Public Health and Emergency Management Agency to set up a vaccination center for COVID-19 at the civic center on Jan. 21. The date is part of a statewide vaccination effort from the ADPH to give doses to eligible people.
Vaccine doses will only be available for senior citizens of ages 75 and over, as well as for first responders and healthcare workers in St. Clair County. Vaccines will be administered on a first come, first served basis. Lee said that the APDH did not specify how many vaccine doses there will be.
The Moody Civic Center is located at 200 Civic Center Dr. Vaccinations will be given from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Before the regular meeting began, a public hearing was held to consider a request from Chad Camp and Harold Smith to rezone property totaling 147 acres located at the end of Taylor Trail in Taylors Cove subdivision from R-1 (Single Family Residential) to AG-1 (Agricultural).
The council will vote on the request at a meeting on Feb. 8 at Moody City Hall.
In other business, the council:
- Approved a request from Fire and Rescue Chief Larry Horton to purchase a new Ford F250 FX4 for $39,000. The item is budgeted from Capital Outlay funds from GUSC franchise fees,
- Approved a request from Horton to purchase attachments from the Ford, which includes emergency lights, striping and lettering, bed cover, bed slide-out, not to exceed $13,000. This is also budgeted from Capital Outlay funds from GUSC franchise fees at $4,0000 as well as the general fund at $9,000,
- Approved a request from Parks and Recreation Director Mike Staggs for sewer and pump line repair at the park for $1,122.50,
- Approved a request from Staggs to clear the main sewer line at the civic center for $497.50, and
- Approved an amendment to the 2020-2021 city budget regarding police and fire department salaries to bring part-time employees “in line” with the full-time positions to allow the part-time positions to be filled.