By Tanna M. Friday, Managing Editor
TRUSSVILLE — Councilman Alan Taylor and Trussville Council presented a check in the amount of $2,000.00 to the Trussville Fire Department’s Christmas for Kids program during the city’s regular council meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 23. The donations program is designed to help needy families within the Trussville community provide Christmas for their children, where otherwise there would be none.
Councilman Taylor shared that the donation was made generously by members of the community during First Baptist Church Trussville’s Community Thanksgiving Service held Sunday, Nov. 21.
Trussville Fire and Rescue ask that if you would like to help, please drop off a new, unwrapped toy at any Trussville Fire Station, or if you would like to make a monetary donation, simply mail your tax-deductible check to Trussville Fire and Rescue 421 Cherokee Drive Trussville, AL 35173 (Attn: Christmas For Kids Donations). All the donations go to qualifying, needy families within the community. Trussville Fire and Rescue donates their time and energy to make this program possible.
For more information, see Trussville Fire and Rescue host Christmas donations program.
In other matters, the Council approved:
- Minutes from Nov. 4th workshop, Nov. 9th regular session;
- Consent Agenda:
- Auditing Accounts:
- Authorize the Mayor to Sign the Memorandum of Understanding Between Jefferson County and the City Regarding Debris Removal & Monitoring Services;
- Promote Parks & Recreation employee Donald Sims to Skilled Laborer (Grade 12 – Step 4), effective Dec. 4, 2021;
- Promote Parks & Recreation employees Zachary Coletti and Sherri Downey to Skilled Laborer (Grade 12 – Step 1), effective Dec. 4, 2021;
- Promote Public Works employee James Pilley to Skilled Laborer (Grade 12 – Step 4), effective Dec. 4, 2021;
- Appoint Henry Boykins and Bonnie Evans to the Senior Citizens Advisory Board, succeeding Gary Meadows and Mary Kennedy, with terms ending Apr. 14, 2022;
- Accounts payable; and
- International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) Region III conference for City Clerk Dan Weinrib, Feb. 1-4 in Huntsville. $350 registration fee + accommodations.
- Auditing Accounts:
- Agenda:
- Proclamation 2021-028 honoring Wreaths Across America on Dec. 18;
- Ordinance 2021-030 to Rezone 5900 Deerfoot Parkway to P (Park) from C-2 (Commercial);
- Ordinance 2021-031 to amend Business License Classifications and License Fee Schedules;
- Ordinance 2021-032 to amend Safety and Construction Standards for Annexing Properties;
- FIRST READING ONLY for an Ordinance to Rezone Trussville Ridge to Q-RG (Qualified Residential Garden) from R-2 (Single Family);
- Reschedule Council workshop scheduled for Dec. 23 to the regular Council meeting on Dec. 28;
- Resolution 2021-65 to Adopt the Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan; and
- Resolution 2021-66 to Declare Various Library Assets as Surplus.
The Trussville Council will meet for their next workshop session and regular council meeting on Tues. Dec. 28, 2021 beginning at 5 p.m.