By Nathan Prewett, For the Tribune
MOODY – At a meeting on Monday, Feb. 13, the Moody City Council held a public hearing for a request to rezone a property on Kelly Creek Commerce Park that will serve as a distribution center.
The council heard reports from department heads for the month of January. Police Chief Thomas Hunt’s report said that there were 1,354 calls for service, 33 arrests, 28 warning tickets, 96 citations, 67 reports, 81 misdemeanors (59 closed), 24 felonies (17 closed) and police vehicles drove 14,758.
Fire Chief Larry Horton said that there were 188 responses, eight fires (one residential, one business, one vehicle, and five woods, grass or rubbish), 113 emergency medical calls, seven wrecks, 12 public services, 22 lift assists, 22 false alarms, one mutual aid received and 24 overlapping calls.
There were 33 annual inspections, 3 re-inspections and one fire pump inspection, Horton said.
Afterwards the council opened a public hearing for the request, which was made by Graham and Company, to rezone 20 acres of the property from AG-1 Agricultural to B-5 Commercial Industrial Park District. Graham and Company is the developer.
Mike Graham from the company spoke and outlined what the center will do.
“We’re open for business and we’re looking for distributors, light manufacturing,” he said. “And it’s intended to be a large distribution type building.”
Mayor Joe Lee said that this will create 600 new jobs and is a $125 million investment.
No one spoke against the matter during the hearing and will be considered at the meeting on March 13.
Later in the meeting the council passed the last item on the agenda, which was to approve repairs and paving of sections of the Avalon subdivision. The streets of the subdivision were accepted into the city after a request from the Homeowners Association or HOA was made in 2022.
The estimated cost is $102,809.62. The HOA will pay 75% of the costs and the city will pay 25%.
In other business, the council:
- Approved a request from Park and Recreation Director Mike Staggs to extend (advertise and hire) for the front desk and custodial positions at the Civic Center through February of 2024,
- Approved Staggs’ request to purchase a John Deere Gator for the park for $12,589,
- Approved Horton’s request to accept the Assistance to Firefighters Grant in the amount of $150,000 for 21 new Air Packs,
- Approved Horton’s request to pay grant writer for successfully obtaining the 2021 grant in the $150,000,
- Approved Horton’s request to purchase Hydraulic hose for the HURST tool for $736.52,
- Approved Horton’s to purchase materials to build a uniform closet for $2,400,
- Approved a request from Library Director Sara Roberts to renew the Proquest (Heritage Quest Online) subscription from March 1 to February 2024 for $1,167.75,
- Approved a request from Hunt to repair Car # 347 with motor replacement for $8,000,
- Approved Hunt’s request to bid for new radios for police and fire department as part of a new system and not to exceed $245,000,
- Approved a request from Public Inspections Department Director David Crowe approval to purchase a new computer and software for $1,035.44,
- Approved a request from Public Works Department Director Steve Mitchell to bid for new Christmas Snowflake decorations for Moody Parkway at a cost not exceed $40,000,
- Approved a request from Councilman Lynn Taylor to amend the 2022-2023 city budget under Christmas decorations and add $45,000.00 ($40,000.00 to cover the Parkway Drive snowflakes bid if accepted and $5,000.00 for trees, lights and other decorations through-out the city) with the total budget increased to $48,000,
- Approved a request from Lee to pass resolution R2023-02-13 City of Moody Capital Assets Policy,
- Approved a request from Lee to pass resolution R2023-02-13A City of Moody and Moody Fire Department Purchasing – Procurement Policy,
- Approved a request from Lee to pass resolution R2023-02-13B Moody Fire Department Record Retention Policy,
- Approved a request from Lee to donate $1,000 to the Friends of Moody Schools Foundation, Inc., and
- Approved a request from Lee to sponsor the Miracle League for $5,000.
Meetings are held on the second and fourth Monday of every month at 6 p.m. at Moody City Hall on 670 Park Ave.
Nathan Prewett can be reached at