By Sean Dietrich, Sean of the South Commentary BIRMINGHAM—Samantha had a baby. He was eight pounds. Even. The kid needed emergency open heart surgery. He had a critical congenital heart dise... Read more
By Sean Dietrich, Sean of the South Commentary A gas station. Rural east Texas. A young man sits in front of the ice machine, and he’s babbling nonsense. He is shirtless. He is dirty. People... Read more
By Sean Dietrich, Sean of the South Commentary Houston. The boy was at a park. A sophomore. He was doing his homework, watching his 5-year-old little sister play on the monkey bars. She yell... Read more
By Sean Dietrich, Sean of the South Commentary Late afternoon. The grocery store was busy. It was a big weekend, hurried customers played demolition derby with shopping carts. I saw two youn... Read more
By Sean Dietrich, Sean of the South Commentary He was tall, lean, and young. When he approached me, he hugged me. Then, his mother hugged us both. A three-person club sandwich. He must’ve be... Read more
By Sean Dietrich, Sean of the South Commentary With all the important problems going on in the world—the war in Ukraine, political upheavals, and Oscar Award winners assaulting each other on... Read more
By Sean Dietrich, Sean of the South Commentary “People are [beeping] awesome,” the young man’s email began. “People are really, [beeping] awesome.” The author’s name is Denny. He’s an 18-yea... Read more
Sean of the South: Good
By Sean Dietrich, Sean of the South Commentary I sat in the old woman’s living room. It was a gaudy block home. The walls were outdated pastel colors, á la 1986. She was smoking menthols. Sh... Read more