By Nathan Prewett, For the Tribune
LEEDS – The Leeds City Council met on Monday, March 6, where they approved an amendment to use confiscated funds to pay for new police equipment and the mayor announced a community cleanup effort in April.
The meeting was very brief on Monday and council members Eric Turner and Angie Latta were absent. In his report, Mayor David Miller said that a community-wide cleanup is planned for April 22, at 9 a.m.
Volunteers will meet at the lot across from the Windstream building on 8373 First Avenue to pick up trash, debris and litter.
“So, please help us,” Miller said. “We’ve gone quite a while now without doing a city-wide cleanup, so this is an opportunity for people to do something rather than just look at trash when we can actually pick up that trash and make our city look better.”
Those interested in volunteering can call 205-699-0943, email, or visit the city website.
Afterwards, the council heard a department report from Police Chief Paul Irwin. He reported that the Grand River area has seen a number of shoplifting arrests.
The council later passed two items on the agenda, one being the budget amendment at the request of Irwin. This is to purchase a new technology for officers called G.L.O.V.E. (Generated Low Output Voltage Emitter), which is used for handling arrests.
The G.L.O.V.E is a compliance tool that fits on the hands exactly like regular gloves and generates a low amount of electricity.
“The main reason I wanted to get it is to protect our officers,” Irwin said. “Because if they’re dealing with someone hands on and they’ve got the ability to deescalate a situation by showing a use of force, it will help.”
During public comments Marche Holt was the only speaker. She brought up the upkeep of the Clairmont Park subdivision, saying that, as construction progresses, the back part of the streets there have been patched up but has not lasted and that there has been weed growth and dirt piles.
Miller said that he will determine what aspect the city has authority to address and what the construction company has responsibility for.
In other business, the council:
- Adopted and ratified the December 2022 city expenditures and payables.
Meetings are held on the first and third Mondays of every month at City Hall on 1400 9th Street Northeast. Agenda packets can be seen online at the City of Leeds website.
Nathan Prewett can be reached at