From The Trussville Tribune Staff Reports
SHELBY COUNTY – A 14-year-old boy is in critical condition after living in a basement for two years. The boy is said to weigh only 55 pounds.
Richard and Cynthia Kelly were charged with aggravated child abuse on Monday afternoon. They have been moved to the Shelby County Jail and both have bond set at million.
An investigation began when Helena police were notified by hospital staff through DHR of the teenager’s arrival at the hospital, according to His parents took him to the hospital when his condition worsened.
The couple is accused of denying food, nourishment and medical care, after being isolated for extended periods of time, according to arrest warrants. Police said the isolation was disciplinary in nature.
Two others were living in the house, but police said they will not be charged. The two other adults are 19 and 21, and one is the adopted daughter of Richard and Cynthia Kelly.
Due to the nature of the case, police can’t disclose further information at this time. The investigation is ongoing.
Jane Scoggins
Sick sick people!
Kathy Vineyard
Sick, is not the word I would use, Jane Scoggins. They do not look like that have missed a meal, maybe they should, just to see what it feels like to go without.
They will get theirs, from the Big Man up above.
Chad Perry
I pray the child recovers
Sandra Forrest
Why how can someone be so mw
Sandra Forrest
So mean
Judy Williams Coleman
Terrible I say…. chain them naked to a tree in the woods and leave them! Why should our tax dollars pay for them in prison? Why should they have a bed , meals, TV they are heartless to do this to a child!