By Chase Holmes, News Reporter
TRUSSVILLE – The Trussville City Council met for its second April meeting on Tuesday, April 26, 2023.
Early in the meeting, the Council unanimously approved City Zoning ordinances 2023-04 and 2023-05 that ban the unauthorized operation of short-term rentals such as an AirBnB anywhere except the Downtown Overlay District without a licence. It also regulates what constitutes a short-term rental and the requirements for owning and operating them.
Mayor Buddy Choat said the ordinance was necessary to safeguard Trussville residents and their neighborhoods.
“People’s largest investments are usually their homes, and we just want to be careful and do all we can do to make sure home values are protected,” Choat said.
The Council also heard a first reading on an ordinance to re-zone two undeveloped lots on North Chalkville Road. The lots are currently being acquired by the St. Vincent’s freestanding ER for the purpose of merging the rezoned lots with their own.
A second first reading was heard on an ordinance to rezone two properties purchased by a individual for the purpose of rezoning them from commercial to residential as the acquired properties are apart of the access point to their residence.
Resolution 2023-28 was passed authorizing the mayor to sign utility easement agreements with Alabama Power for the Loop Road project, which will create a loop road allowing drivers to bypass the downtown four way if downtown is not their destination.
In other business, the council passed the following:
- Resolution 2023-26, approving professional services contract with Sain and Associates for the development of the Glendale property
- Resolution 2023-27, for the purchase of a police cargo van for the Trussville SWAT team
- Resolution 2023-29, declaring two city vehicles, a 2004 Freightliner bus and a 2003 F-150 as surplus
The Trussville City Council regularly meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at the City Hall Annex, beginning at 6 p.m.